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  • Rachel McKay

Help! My New Year's Resolution is Fading Fast!

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It’s been about two and a half weeks since you made that resolution to turn your diet around and shed those extra pounds. Are you starting to slip back into old habits? The dreaded winter months can make it feel challenging to stay healthy. These strategies will help ease your stress while giving your body what it needs.

1. Make a list of goals and refer back to it daily. This will help you remember what you need to do to stay motivated. Make sure your goals are specific and measurable. For example instead of “eat less fast food”, say “eat fast food only once per week.” Keep the list on your phone or a post-it note on your computer to remind you throughout the day. You’ll be surprised how easy it is to achieve simple daily goals by writing them down.

2. Stay Active. Physical activity tends to go down, especially with the frigid temps we’ve been having. It’s not always possible to do outdoor activities such as walking or bike riding. That means it’s time to get creative to keep your activity up! Don’t just sit and watch TV, do squats, push-ups, or stairs during commercial breaks. Check out a new fitness class or try indoor swimming; it’s a great cardio exercise and perfect for bringing the whole family.

3.Choose In Season Fruits and Vegetables. I definitely miss summertime and being able to buy fresh, summer produce, but it’s important to embrace a variety of fruits or vegetables that you may not normally eat but are in season now. For fruits, choose apples, pears, bananas, grapefruit, and oranges. Many winter vegetables make a tasty addition to your meal; brussel sprouts, potatoes/sweet potatoes, winter squash, kale, celery, carrots, and cabbage. Frozen produce is also an excellent option to eat your favorites year-round.

4. Don’t sacrifice your sleep. Your body needs 7-8 hours of sleep each night for a variety of reasons. You not only feel better, but you’ll have better workouts and fewer sugar cravings. When you skimp on sleep, your appetite hormones get out of whack, making it even more difficult to make healthy choices.

5. Stay Hydrated. Without the sun beating down, it can be easy to forget that your body still needs plenty of water. Keep a glass of water on hand, and add flavor with cucumber slices, lemon, or fresh fruit. This will help curb sugar cravings, as people often confuse thirst for hunger.

Your resolution may be slipping but it’s not too late! Take these tips and get back to eating healthy and achieving your nutrition goals. Summer will be here before you know it!

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